Children in the society have the same general human rights as adults/parents do. Children are neither the property of their parents nor are they helpless objects of charity. They are human beings and are the subject of their own rights. This fact, however is unfortunately not acknowledged nor realised by all adults/parents. Therefore, when it comes to the protection of children's rights, the role of adults/parents become paramount. Adults/Parents have much to contribute in order to implement effectively various child rights legislations.

With this sentiments, and to enhance awareness among children and parents, awareness programme for parents and teachers was organised at Govt. Bethlehem Primary School today.

Pu. R. Laltanpuia, Member, MSCPCR, together with Pi Priscilla Lallawmsangi, Legal Officer and Pu C. Lalduhawma, State Child Rights Coordinator conducted the interactive programme for the said audience. The parents and teachers benefitted much from the programme organised by MSCPCR.