While the opportunities and facilities to study and pursue Law in general has made significant progress in our State, specific institutions and facilities to study Laws related to children specifically are established gradually in the State as well. 

The Mizoram State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (MSCPCR) definitely is one such institution recently established to make sure that all Laws related to children are effective in their legislations; and to facilitate and encourage students, researchers, etc. who wish to pursue Law, Humanity, Social Science studies, etc. in the State.

Hence, in parallel with the purpose of the Commission's establishment, and as envisaged in the CPCR Act, 2005, Ten (10) students (4th Sem) from Govt. Mizoram Law College have successfully completed their internship programme (June 12 - 22, 2023) at MSCPCR, under the guidance and supervision of Priscilla Lallawmsangi, Legal Officer, MSCPCR.

Apart from the study and observation made at MSCPCR through firsthand interactions and interviews with the Chairperson, Members, Officers and Staff of MSCPCR,  the interns had practical field study and visited selected Child Care Institutions (CCIs) within Aizawl Municipal Corporation (AMC) area.

The interns were felicitated today at Conference Hall, MSCPCR. Dr. C. Lalsangzuala, Hon'ble Chairperson, in the presence of Dr. Julie Remsangpuii Fambawl, Hon'ble Member; Pi Lalengvari, Secretary; Pi Priscilla Lallawmsangi, Legal Officer and Pu Lallianzuala Chawngthak, Superintendent of MSCPCR  presented the Certificates of Internship to the Law students.